Patients Responsibilities


  • Patient has responsibilities of following the treatment plan recommended by the physician responsible for their care.
  • Patient has responsibilities of absorbing the consequences if they refuse treatment or do not follow the physician’s instructions.
  • Patient has responsibilities of meeting the financial obligations for their healthcare is met.
  • Patient has responsibilities following hospital regulations, policies and requirements affecting their care and conduct.
  • Patient has responsibilities of considering the rights, privacy and comfort of other patients and hospital personnel and property.
  • Patient has responsibilities of providing complete and accurate information about past illnesses, medication, allergies and other matters relating to their health history that need to be known by those involved in the patient treatment.
  • Patient has responsibilities to secure appointments as per the recommendations made by the physician as per the time frame and to attend the appointment on time.
  • Patient has responsibilities of avoiding bringing valuable belongings to the hospital and in the event of emergency situations, will inform the admission staff about the valuables and ensuring that it is handed in as per the hospital policy failure to which the hospital will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from non-adherence to this requirement.
  • Patient has responsibilities of respecting the priority given to emergency patients and to show consideration to other patients.