About huruma hospital
Huruma is one of the three hospitals owned by the Diocese of Moshi and is a Voluntary Agency (VAH) for Rombo District. It is situated at Ibukoni village in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region, in the North East of Tanzania main land; it is 80km from Moshi Municipal and 100 metres from ROMBO Council Headquarters. The borders of Rombo District are formed by Republic of Kenya on the North and East, Moshi Rural on the South, West side Hai, and
Monduli District lies on the North West. Lying on the slopes of Mt.
Kilimanjaro it covers an areaof 900 sq. km. Land use is divided into 44,114 hectares for cultivation, 38,194 hectors form a forest area, and 16,692 hectors area for livestock. Mean Temperature 18c to 20 c with rainfall ranging from 500mm to 16000mm. Road network covers 446 of reliable use throughout the year.
Some feeder roads are passable with difficulties during the rain season. The main road from Moshi to Rombo towards the Kenyan border is fully tarmacked. The District population for the year 2012 was 260,963 with growth rate of 1.1%. The population is distributed in 5 divisions 20 wards and 60 registered villages. This gives a population density of 471 per sq. km of available land. Land carrying capacity has been exceeded i.e. 7 people/hector instead of approved 5 people/hector. The District has 151 Primary Schools with total of 68,459 pupil per year and 18 Secondary Schools. The District overall literacy rate is 92%.
The main occupation is mixed farming, coffee being the main cash crop. Food crops include bananas, maize, beans, potatoes, groundnuts, fruits and vegetables. Huruma started as a private hospital in 1968. It was declared a District (council) Designated Hospital for Rombo in 1972.
Huruma Hospital is a Council Designated Hospital, and owned by the Diocese of Moshi. It is governed by a Board of 10 members i.e. six nominated by the Diocese of Moshi and (4) four members nominated by the Ministry of Health. The daily organization and Co-ordination of Hospital activities is under the Hospital Management Team (HMT)

Maternity | Surgical/medical ward | Male/Female Medical | Mwalimu J.K.Nyerere ward | Private ward | TOTAL |
45 beds | 74 beds | 52 beds | 56 beds | 23 beds | 250 beds |